Home building materials play a significant role. Since the Three Little Pigs first wiggled their curly little tails, we’ve been aware of the importance of building materials. But, while they had only three choices, we have more … a lot more.

Today, it’s not only about the strength and durability of the home but also about economy, ecology, aesthetics, style and personal choice. With universal building codes the way they are, we can usually expect them to meet at least minimum standards of quality and longevity.

Knowing Your Options for Structural Materials

Over the years, I’ve worked with many different structural materials choices for homes. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. I’ve concluded that there may be no “perfect” choice. Nothing seems to stand head and shoulders above all the rest. That being said, there’s every reason to believe that of the many choices, you could find … Read the rest

As the green movement started to develop, they have encouraged more and more people to build environment-friendly homes. Their members have started to educate people about the different health hazards that toxic building materials could bring. They have also explained how the irresponsible use of these harmful materials could actually become a big threat to our environment.

If you do not want to have a home filled with toxic and harmful building materials, you should think of a way to find environment-friendly supplies that you could use to construct your home. Here are some characteristics of sustainable building materials that you should watch out for while canvassing for the best construction products.

Minimal energy needs

One of the most important characteristics of sustainable building materials is their minimal energy needs. This means that they do not need to consume a lot of energy while they are being processed, … Read the rest