Basement Finishing – License to Create!

So you’ve spent months, or perhaps years, carefully wishing, planning, budgeting, measuring, drawing, as well as bidding your basement finishing project and you are almost willing to start the business. One aspect in your basement finishing you possibly will not consider yet is: “should my contractor be licensed?”
This is probably not this easy question. Some states require licensing; other states without these requirements have counties and/or cities that require licensing, other places have no licensing requirements whatsoever.
You may reside in a place like ours, where it is perfectly legal for an unlicensed contractor to drag a permit for your basement finishing project. On the flip side, your area may necessitate licensing, but you will find many contractors who’re unwilling or unable to comply.
So the question again becomes: “should my contractor be licensed?”
In a word… YES!
Several years back I met a contractor, who somewhat brazenly bragged … Read the rest