Wood PlanksThis Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an oak wood plank with screenshots and step-by-step directions. My boards had been cut at five inches, across the four foot wide side (the wood I purchased was 4×8). I rolled out the paper about five feet at a time, laid the board width wise on the paper (so at least my ends of planks would be straight). Other uses for wood incorporate: Sticks , indicators , doors , pressure plates , slabs , pistons , crafting tables , chests , stairs , bowls , boats , fence (indirectly fence is crafted from sticks only), jukebox , Note Blocks , bookshelf , beds , and fuel for furnaces , delivering 1 1/3 blocks of smelting. We staggered our planks randomly, attempting to use as a lot of whole-length boards as we could.

Now as a girl who likes the manly crafts and enjoys … Read the rest