The materials package represents a third to a half of your over all home building budget. You’ll want to choose your sources wisely.
Question: Where should you buy home building materials?
Home Owner Builders have several choices when it comes to selecting their home building materials for building a new home. Years ago, the first thing that came to mind was a local lumber yard but, these days, many think of a Home Depot or Lowe’s.
While these can be excellent choices, I’d like to point out few other choices that you should think about … not INSTEAD of these but along with them. After all, a lot of contractors and builders use Home Depot and Lowe’s as a major source of materials for their projects.
Where Should You Look for Your Building Materials?
Local lumber yards still exist. (Compare service and price!)
- Panelizing companies for wood and steel walls
- ICF and SIP manufacturers and distributors
- Kit Home/Packaged Home companies
- Subcontractor’s purchases – a big mark-up? Maybe …
How involved do you want to be as an Owner Builder? How much do you want to save? Can a builder get you a better deal?
HomeBuilding Coach & Materials Seller
Some Home Owner Builders get help from their Home Building Coach to purchase their own materials package. Thus, greatly limiting what their contractors purchase for them. This can be a real savings as they can often avoid some substantial mark-ups. This can take time. You should make sure that the savings is there before you take on this task.
Finally, if you are a DIY Owner Builder, I would recommend that you look into the package/kit homes. They can really streamline your materials purchase job, save time on construction, and even improve the quality of your home building project.
Insist on quality materials. It’s a better life-time value decision.